Story number 6...which is a song!
So Phileaus has been very busy enjoying his time in Paris. Phileaus has had a marvelous time and you can look at all of the places he visited in the map on this blog. Have you ever been to France? The language spoken in France is of course French. One very famous song that was heard by Phileaus in France was the Nursery Rhyme Frère Jacques. Here are the lyrics, ask a friend to sing along with you and you can learn the tune at the Fairlop Fair on the 6th of July. Happy singing!
Frère Jacques, frère Jacques
Dormez-vous ? Dormez-vous ?
Sonnez les matines ! Sonnez les matines !
Din, dan, don; din, dan, don
Are you sleeping, are you sleeping,
Brother John? Brother John?
Morning bells are ringing! Morning bells are ringing!
Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong.
Phileaus's Trip around Paris! Can you name any of the famous landmarks?

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